Global Investigation Services

Global Investigation Services is a well-known investigation agency in Indonesia since 1999. Global
Investigation Services (GIS) works based on a framework to get the best working practice. Maximum result, objective data, and zero mistakes are GIS investigator’s motto. The successful experience of GIS investigation for more than 15 years in handling various cases in various business sectors is our key capital to keep satisfying our client’s expectations.
All of GIS investigators are well-trained professional personnel with a comprehensive investigation experience and also has Certificate C.A.T.S (Certificate Anti Terrorism Specialist) and C.C.P.S (Certificate Crime Prevention Specialist). Global Investigation Services (GIS) is committed to the highest ethic and professional standards.
Global investigation team has the skills and knowledge to handle problems such as: technical surveillance countermeasures (debugging), food fraud, insurance (claims) fraud, asset tracking, background check and screening program, threat assessment, undercover operations and investigation consulting, planning, risk analysis survey, grey market and counterfeit goods investigation, employee screening, trademark and character licensing and monitoring programs.